Orange is a great color to add to almost any area and will surely brighten up any space. Whether in containers by themselves or in a hanging basket for your patio, orange flowers are a wonderful option to add some summer cheer to your garden.
There are plenty of orange perennials available in the market today, but planting with annual flowers gives a few more options to work with. These annual plants are oftentimes a little tougher in the summer heat due to their shorter life span.
If you are interested in adding some cut flowers to your garden, snapdragons or Gerbera daisies might be the right plant for you. Adding some color to a shady area of your yard or garden? Impatiens got you covered. There are many different options to choose from, so follow along with the list below for my favorite orange annuals you can add to your garden this season!

botanical name Antirrhinum |
sun requirements Full sun |
height 10 to 24 inches |
hardiness zones 8 to 11 |
Most people identify snapdragons by their ability to pinch the small blooms and “snap” them open. Snapdragons are beautifully bold, versatile flowers that can be used in many settings. They do great in containers, as landscape borders, and make great cut flowers.
These plants are low maintenance and can create a striking display when planted in large numbers. Dwarf snapdragons, which only grow to about 10 inches tall, are great as potted plants or garden borders.

botanical name Gerbera jamesonii |
sun requirements Full sun |
height 10 to 16 inches |
hardiness zones 8 to 11 |
Gerbera daisies are a perfect option for those looking to add cut flowers to their garden. They boast symmetrically round flowers on dark green foliage. They can be grown in containers but will do great in well-drained soil in the ground as well.
Fertilize regularly to ensure frequent blooms. These plants are very susceptible to powdery mildew in hot and humid climates. Prevent this fungus by letting the plants dry out in between waterings.

botanical name Zinnia spp. |
sun requirements Full sun |
height 8 to 36 inches |
hardiness zones 10 to 11 |
Zinnias are a low maintenance, sun-loving annual that make great cut flowers too. Zinnias are a close relative of drought tolerant flowers such as sunflowers and marigolds. They will too withstand periods of hot and dry temperatures.
Plant zinnias in landscape borders that receive sunlight during the hottest part of the day, or in areas of your garden that need a pop of vivid color.
Zinnias attract bees, birds, and other pollinators. Towards the end of the growing season, the flowers will begin to seed and dry on the plant. Harvesting these seed pods is a fun, easy way to ensure you have zinnias next season.

botanical name Tithonia diversifolia |
sun requirements Full sun |
height 4 to 6 feet |
hardiness zones 8 to 11 |
Tithonia, also referred to as mexican sunflower, are super easy annuals to grow. These flowers attract loads of pollinators and beneficial insects, and will fill up an area very quickly once established. They can get fairly tall and bushy, so be sure to have ample space for these beautiful plants.
Due to their irregular shape and height, they benefit from staking or other means of support – especially in open areas where they are subject to wind or other disruptive factors.
Tithonia makes a great addition to cottage gardens or cut flower beds, and is known to reseed itself for many seasons.

botanical name Celosia spp. |
sun requirements Full sun |
height 8 to 24 inches |
hardiness zones 8 to 11 |
These sun-loving annuals have vivid fuzzy blooms and add an interesting texture to any setting. Celosia does well in warm and dry climates but can also withstand humidity and wet periods. These plants require 6-8 hours of sunlight in order to flower.
If you are considering planting celosia, make sure the planting area receives a good amount of sunlight throughout the day. Cockscomb is available in many other colors besides orange, planting multiple colors in one area creates quite a striking combination.

botanical name Cuphea ignea |
sun requirements Full sun |
height 10 to 24 inches |
hardiness zones 9 to 11 |
Orange cuphea has the habit of growing to about 24 inches large and wide, quickly filling in space. Plant these in late spring once night temperatures stay about 50 degrees, these plants are very sensitive to cool temperatures.
Cuphea attracts loads of pollinators and even hummingbirds, so planting these on deck borders or in butterfly gardens is your best bet. They also make great additions to planters or container gardens; just be sure they have enough room to grow and will receive enough sunlight (6 to 8 hours daily).
Orange cuphea is known to attract pesky caterpillars in the summer months, don’t be alarmed, while they do munch on the leaves of this plant, they are relatively harmless and can simply be plucked off of the foliage.

botanical name Xerochrysum bracteata |
sun requirements Full sun |
height 10 to 18 inches |
hardiness zones 9 to 11 |
Strawflowers are easily started from seed, or can be purchased as transplants in late spring/early summer.
The light, crispy blooms come in several colors, and can be harvested and used in fresh or dried floral arrangements. Deadhead frequently, and be sure to not overwater, they do not like periods of wet soil.

botanical name Tagetes spp. |
sun requirements Full sun |
height 8 to 24 inches |
hardiness zones 2 to 11 |
Marigolds bloom in shades of orange, red, and yellow. Creating a garden or landscape border with marigolds is popular amongst many gardeners.
Using them as a landscape border is well known to attract beneficial insects. Harvest the dried flower heads at the end of the season to save for next year’s plantings.

botanical name Cosmos bipinnatus |
sun requirements Full sun |
height 12 to 36 inches |
hardiness zones 2 to 11 |
Cosmos are generally started as seeds sown directly into the ground, but are sometimes available as transplants at local garden centers. Growing cosmos can be as easy as scattering the seeds in prepared soil.
The wispy, fern-like foliage and delicate blooms make for a great addition to any cottage garden or yard border. Fresh stems make cheery floral arrangements and can add joy to any home.

botanical name Gazania rigens |
sun requirements Full sun |
height 6 to 12 inches |
hardiness zones 4 to 10 |
Native to South Africa, Gazania is often referred to as an “African Daisy”. Not to be confused with its relative Osteospermum “African Daisy”, these two have very similar blooms, but slightly different growing requirements.
A huge difference between the two is Gazania’s sensitivity to light. At night, and on cloudy or rainy days, the flowers close, and will reopen once it is sunny again.
While Osteospermum requires a little more upkeep, i.e deadheading, and fertilization, Gazania is very low maintenance. It loves warm weather and can withstand hot temperatures in full sun. The vivid orange daisy-like flowers appear on dark green, fuzzy foliage spring until late summer.

botanical name Impatiens x hybrida, Impatiens walleriana, Impatiens hawkeri |
sun requirements Full sun |
height 8 to 12 inches |
hardiness zones 10 to 11 |
There are quite a few options when it comes to impatiens. The main thing to consider when growing impatiens is your planting location. If you are planting in a shaded area, you’ll want to plant new guinea or regular impatiens.
If you want to add a pop of color to a full sun area, keep an eye out for Sunpatiens. Most garden centers will have them separated according to their light requirements, but if you are unsure simply check the Latin name on the tag!
All impatiens grow to about 8 to 12 inches tall and wide, and display bright velvety flowers. They can withstand warm temperatures, but do not like to be overwatered.
The most important thing to remember when shopping for plants is light and water requirements. Most of the annuals mentioned in this article are full sun, meaning they need 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily. If you are planting in shade, impatiens might be a great option for you.
Many of the plants listed in this article bloom in other colors as well, so if one of these caught your eye but you aren’t sold on orange, keep an eye out for the other colors!