15 rock painting ideas to increase the appeal of your garden

The Painted Pebble– This rock by The Painted Pebble is filled with autumnal colors such as orange, yellow, and red.

The text on the rock says “Blessings” in a script font. The word “blessings” is meant to remind us to be thankful for the many blessings we are given in this life. This rock is beautifully dot painted in a colorful array of uniform dots and circles.

Gratitude painted rock for Thanksgiving

Fall Leaf Rock Painting Ideas

Rocks by Christa -These rocks are filled with all the colors of the rainbow. The dагk gray rocks сoпtгаѕted with the bright colors create a beautiful painting. A few of the rocks have bright white dots as added decorations and the others have plain backgrounds to bring oᴜt the colors in the leaf. The leaves on the rocks signify summer waving goodbye and saying hello to fall.

Fall Leaves Painted Rocks

Cute Thanksgiving Themed Rocks

Color Made Happy – This set of Thanksgiving painted rocks are perfect for handing oᴜt to friends and family at Thanksgiving. Have the recipients write what they are grateful for on the back.

Thanksgiving Painted Rocks

Turkey Painted Rock

Smile.bugs – This adorable painted rock has a colorful turkey on it with hues of brown, orange, yellow, red, purple, and black. The inspiration behind this rock painting is the symbol of Thanksgiving, which is commonly known as the turkey.

Turkey Rock Painting Idea

Gnome Fall Color Painted Rocks

Scribbly Stones – These bright orange rocks are painted with the most adorable Thanksgiving gnomes! If you’re looking for a holiday-themed gift, these painted rocks will do the trick!

Fall Gnomes Painted Rocks

Thankful Rock Painting Idea

Stone Art Sisterhood -This bright rock has the word thankful painted on it to state the reason for the season. The beautiful contrast between the black and white word “thankful” and the colorful graphics on the rock make this painting truly mаɡісаɩ.

Thanksgiving Rock Painting Idea

Pumpkin Decorative Rocks

Happyrocks_abd -These adorable, intricate pumpkins are a wonderful blend of orange, yellow, and black. These decorative rock paintings are a symbol of one of the many things we enjoy during the Thanksgiving season.

Pumpkin Painted Rocks

Pilgrim Gnome Paintings

Jenevere Rocks – These cute rocks have adorable gnomes painted like pilgrims on them! The colorful paint mixed with the cartoon-like gnomes is a fun twist on Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Painted Gnome Rocks

Easy Fall and Thanksgiving Painted Rocks

Stone Art Sisterhood – These adorable painted rocks have leaves and an acorn on them, which are the typical symbols of fall. The caption says these rocks were used to teach a kiddo about kindness, which is something to be thankful for!

Fall Painted Rock Ideas


Inspirationrocks4u – This rock painting is titled Autumn Vibes and for good reason. The rock is painted with a detailed cornucopia, which is one of the original symbols of Thanksgiving. This rock painting incorporates all the lovely autumnal colors of yellow, orange, brown, and dагk green.

Cornucopia painted on a rock

Groovy Thanksgiving Painted Rock

Moon River Rocks-This simple, hippy-like painted rock is painted with a beautiful groovy pumpkin and sunflower. The words painted on the rock are “Thankful and Blessed,” which is how we should all feel this Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Rock Painting

Cartoon Squirrel

Jill FCS Rocks – This adorable, large cartoon rock has a cute squirrel painted on the front with a smile on his fасe! This rock would make a wonderful decoration to have in your house or on your front porch at Thanksgiving!

Fall Squirrel Painted Rock

Give Thanks Rock

Jenevere Rocks – These traditional, yet beautifully painted rocks paint the perfect picture of Thanksgiving. One of the pumpkins is adorned with a Pilgrim hat and the other is more traditional. The words painted on one of the rocks say “Give Thanks,” which is the main reason we celebrate this holiday!

Thanksgiving Painted Rocks - give thanks on a pumpkin

Thanksgiving Quilt Painted Rock Idea

Stone Art Sisterhood – This ᴜпіqᴜe rock painting is made to look like a cozy quilt with painted stitching. Inside each section of the quilt is something autumn-related like leaves, acorns, and trees. The blend of fall colors such as orange, yellow, and brown make this rock perfectly Thanksgiving-themed!

Quilted Thanksgiving Rock Painting Inspiration

Ladybug Painted Thanksgiving Rocks

Rocky Panda Craft – This adorable pair of glossy rocks are painted with cute turkey bugs to symbolize the holiday. These rocks would make a great addition to your Thanksgiving decor or to hand oᴜt as little presents to friends and family!

Ladybug themed thanksgiving rocks

Thanksgiving rock painting is a great way to show your gratitude this season! Whether you’re putting your painted rocks around your house or giving them away as gifts, these colorful rocks will proudly display the reason for the season!


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