20 Shrubs bloom all year round. Planting again beautiful all year

Here’s an exclusive list of Shrubs that Bloom All Year! Grow these Year-Round Shrubs according to seasons and fill your garden with colors!

Plant these Shrubs According to Different Seasons to Get Blooms All Year. These plants are low maintenance, flower beautifully, and look fantastic in pots too!

Shrubs that Bloom All Year


1. Azalea

This excellent flowering shrub comes in many colors and sizes. It does best in moist soil with partial sunlight. Use a rich, acidic growing medium for the best results.

2. Bridal Wreath Spiraea

This shrub showcases a tiny bunch of white flowers that bloom in the spring season. Grow it in bright sunlight and well-draining soil.

3. Brandywine

The white flowers of this shrub match beautifully with the dark green foliage. Also, be ready to see the plant covered in pink and blue berries in the fall!

4. Witch Hazel

If you like yellow flowers, then this shrub is for you. It does best in bright sun with a well-draining acidic growing medium.

5. Lantana

Lantanas feature round clustered blooms showing off myriad shades of white, red, orange, pink, yellow, blue, and purple. Provide the plant with 5-6 hours of direct


6. California Lilac

It is primarily grown for blue blossoms but often planted for pink or white blooms, which flower abundantly across a long period from spring.

7. Hibiscus

This shrub can grow to an impressive height of 3-6 feet. It develops clusters of blossoms in groups that look wonderful with its dark green foliage.

8. Butterfly Bush

The shrub grows flowers in white, purple, yellow, and blue shades from summer until the first frost. It can easily survive drought and summer heat.

9. Mock Orange

This fragrant shrub blooms in late spring to early summer with pure white to cream flowers. For the best blossoms, make sure it gets plenty of sunlight.

10. Rose

Prune your roses in early spring to enhance the growth of baby buds, which then bloom into exotic shades of red, pink, white, and yellow in summer.

11. Ixora

Ixoras are evergreen shrubs covered with clusters of four-petalled blooms that garnish home gardens. The flowers come in pink, red, yellow, orange, and white


12. Smoke Bush

This large shrub has dark red-purple leaves and blooms candy floss clusters of fluffy flowers like smoke during summer.

13. Bluebeard

These plants start flowering in late Summer with blue to purple flowers until fall. They are better in a sunny location and well-drained soil.

14. Glossy Abelia

This shrub is excellent as a background plant because of its ever-changing variegated foliage. Its colors include gold and orange with evergreen leaves in flame


15. Harlequin Glorybower

Its white and purple-pink flower clusters are nestled above its heart-shaped leaves, either cream, sage green, or deep green.

16. Hydrangea

Prune the shrub in late fall or early spring to enjoy beautiful flowers in the fall. In fact, hydrangeas bloom in summer as well, depending on the type.

17. Spindle

The fall flowers of this bushy shrub are fruits that split to uncover seeds in contrasting hues. Euonymus europaeus ‘Red Cascade’ is the best one to grow.

18. Daphne Odora

With its beautiful clusters of fragrant pink flowers, this evergreen shrub looks great. It blooms anytime from mid-winter to early spring.

19. Rubella

Its panicles of red buds appear in winter, making it among the most colorful shrubs in your garden. The cones of flowers stay through winter and open in early


20. Mahonia

Mahonias show off holly-like foliage and deep purple berries. The spikes of fragrant yellow blooms appear in late fall, winter, and spring.

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