24 Delightful pink perennials that brighten up your garden

Pink perennial flowers add a pop of beautiful color for a great addition to any garden or landscape. Pink is a calming color that is associated with femininity, love, and kindness. It’s the color of romance. Looking out over a garden and seeing dots of pink blooming is a happy thing. The beauty of planting an array of pink perennials is that they will come back on their own year after year. Once you’ve done the work to plant them, they are not a lot of work to maintain and enjoy.

pretty pink perennial flowers in different shades

In addition to romance and femininity, pink symbolizes youth, is reminiscent of the tender nurture of a mother, implies good health, and adds a bit of playfulness. Pink is often associated with innocence, approachability, charm, happiness, and cheer.

Pink perennial flowers every garden needs

There is even an expression, “tickled pink”. Who wouldn’t want to look out over their flower beds and experience symbols of feminine sweetness, youth, health, romance, cheer, and innocence? Even if you simply like the color for no apparent reason, pink is a pretty accent when in full bloom.

Pink doesn’t just come in the pale, pastel variety that is often thought of when you hear the word pink. It also comes in a deep magenta, a cool pink, and every tint and shade in between creating a nice focal point for cottage gardens, borders, flower beds, or hanging baskets.

Sure, you could plant annuals every year, or head to a local floral shop to enjoy fresh, cut pink flowers during their bloom time. But, why go to that much trouble when pink perennials will come back year after year with very little to no effort on your part.

When you think of your favorite pink flowers, maybe tulips, Gerber daisies bursting with color, roses, or the Dianthus Interspecific Supra Pink, pink Forget-Me-Nots, or pink hydrangeas come to mind. But, there are so many more to choose from. Why not fill up a hanging basket or design a flower bed filled with pink blooms that will return again the next season?

Let’s take a closer look at 25 pink blooms that will come back year after year.

Oh, and if you love pink flowers, take a peek at these trees with pink flowers.

1. Bergenia

bergenia blooms

What a beautiful sight to behold when these pink rose flowers are in full bloom with large rosettes opening up to dot and accent its green, glossy leaves. If you’re going to go for the romance that pink offers, why not choose a sweet pink perennial that produces heart-shaped leaves.

This flower even has a cute name. Many call it “Pigsqueak”, “Winter Glow,” or a newer variety called “Miss Piggy” But, we’re not talking about the Muppet. Bergenia may sound a bit more sophisticated. The funny name refers to the noise that the flower makes when they are rubbed together.

Spread Bergenia out as groundcover. It may not grow tall, but it does spread out to cover the garden nicely. It does quite well in hardiness zones 3 through 8.

2. Aster

pink aster flowers

A very close resemblance to daisies, enjoy these in late summer through October. If you love daisies but prefer them to be pink and miniature, then the Aster is perfect for your garden or hanging pot.

The blooms are so dainty and plentiful, but there is an added bonus. Planting Asters also will attract butterflies along with other pollinators much like a bee balm plant. These flowers grow up to four feet high and come in more than 250 varying types. They prefer full sun and moist soil.

3. Impatiens

pink impatients

Select the pink variety and then fill a hanging basket with pink Impatiens to create a butterfly or hummingbird spot. The one thing to keep in mind, however, is that this plant does not tolerate frost or extremely cold temperatures very well. So, if you’re growing them as a perennial, be sure to keep them in a container that you bring inside during cold spells.

4. Delphinium

pink delphiniums

This beautiful plant blooms in the summer with pink spiked flowers. Gardeners love to plant these toward the back of a flower bed since they grow very tall and love to soak in plenty of sunshine with full sunlight and water.

Delphinium will do well in zones three through seven. These flowers can be a bit fussy, insisting on being in the sun where the soil is moist. The blooms are mainly at the top of the central stem.

5. Coral Bells

pink coral bells

Just like the color pink represents women who are small but mighty, these delicate pink dots are not as dainty as they appear. The plant is actually quite hardy and even does well in full sunshine but also loves part sun the full shade or partial shade. These Coral Bells do really well in Zones 3 through 10 and produce bright pink flowers when in bloom.

6. Lychnis Coronaria

Lychnis Coronaria flowers

You may want to put on your sunglasses before going out to the garden with these in bloom. In full bloom, the color is so bright it’s almost blinding. The name also means “Gardeners World”. The plant produces a gorgeous hot pink flower bloom amidst a silvery green leaf base. It produces a tall, angular stem that does very well in sunny and dry spots.

While it is a perennial, it will only come back for a few years. So, enjoy them while you can and then divide them for planting to extend their life to a new generation of pink flowers.

7. Dahlias

pink dahlia flowers

All the world is a stage, like a globe that opens up with petals bursting onto the scene for all to take notice. It’s hard to miss or ignore Dahlias. While these gorgeous globular blooms burst with about every color imaginable, the pink variety is stunningly eye-catching.

They bloom all summer so long as they are given full sun soil that allows for good drainage.

8. Chrysanthemum

pink variegated chrysanthemum

Enjoy this extremely easy-to-care-for plant that is a compact plant. Not every mum comes in the color pink, but this choice is just as gorgeous as the others. The flower demands more shade than most in order to keep its brilliant pink color when the weather heats up.

They are most beautiful in late summer or early fall. Just make sure you water them more often during hot spells. They also make a great gift to give a mum to your mom on Mother’s Day or her birthday.

9. Lily of the Valley

(3) Pink Lily of The Valley, Convallaria Majalis Rosea Plants, Bulbs, Plants, Roots, Flower, SeedsBulbsPlants&More

Dainty and unforgettable, this flower is actually quite hardy. Not only is its name romantic sounding, but this pink flower gives off a very nice aroma from its fragrant flowers as well. When it is blooming, it is delicate to behold while emitting a sweet fragrance. It blooms starting in early spring and lasts till early summer. They love moisture and spread quickly with ease making them easy to grow.

10. Foxglove

pink foxglove flowers

If pink really rings a bell with you, the Foxglove may be your flower of choice. Choose from a wide array of the pink spectrum with this head-turning flower. It presents a cascade of slender, bell-shaped blooms.

The Foxglove is very easy to grow, doing well in Zones 4 through 10. But, be careful. The plant is toxic to small children and pets. So, be sure to plant it out of reach but visible for your enjoyment.

11. Campions


These short, ground dwellers produce a sweet and beautiful pink flower that captures everyone’s attention. They pop with neon color in late spring or early summer with stems that grow to at least two feet tall.

Choose from a wide array of neon colors to accent the pink: perfect for a cottage-style garden. Rose campion is self-seeding, so it may pop up in an unsuspecting spot. These flowers make a great accent flower for a rock garden or for a garden border.

12. Rodgersia

Rodgersia flowers

This flower is named after Rear-Admiral John Rogers who discovered the flower during a Pacific expedition in the mid-1800s. The dark, green leaves provide the perfect backdrop for these pink blooms to pop forth.

It is a fairly easy plant to grow but prefers moisture and wet areas. Plant them near a pond for the utmost enjoyment or in locations that provide some woods. This is a common ground flower with delicate flower bundles.

13. Fragaria


You may know these sweet pink blooms by their more common name, the woodland strawberry, though keep in mind that you won’t be harvesting a basket full of fruit.

The flowers have no stem, so you’ll want to enjoy them somewhere other than a vase. But, they produce a pale pink blossom and cute miniature strawberries that are edible just not plentiful. Sometimes, the flowers are white. They work great in containers or along flower beds as a border.

14. Tulips

pink tulips

Don’t miss these gems when they bloom. While tulips are perennial plants, they only pop up for a short time during the spring. Of course, they come in a wide variety of colors other than pink, such as yellow, orange, or purple. But, their pink varieties range from pale to rich, deep magenta. Fill a flower bed with a range of pinks for the ultimate in satisfying pink beauty.

15. Lupine

pink lupine

No worries about needing a green thumb to grow these beauties. They are very hardy and durable. You have probably even seen them growing along the highway or back roads. The plant produces tall, floral spikes that grow as tall as three feet high. Pink is just one of the colors that this flower produces. You could accent the pink with some purple, red, white, or blue flowers.

16. Hardy hibiscus

hardy hibiscus

If you live in a tropical climate or zones 4 or warmer, you will be able to grow the Hardy Hibiscus and enjoy its pink flowers. The plant is actually a big shrub that produces amazingly beautiful pink flowers. When you look at the flower in full bloom, it’s almost as if an artist carefully painted it to fade from very dark pink to pale pink as the bloom opens up. Also, the Rose of Sharon is part of the hibiscus family and makes you feel as if you are in the tropics when they bloom.

17. Peonies

pink peonies

This flower comes in a variety of colors, but pink is one of the most appealing. It produces huge blooming pink flowers that give off an intoxicating aroma that lasts for weeks.

Plant these attractive blooming plants in the fall to fully enjoy everything about their beauty. But, they will also do well if you wait till spring to put them in your garden. Enjoy them for a fleeting week or possibly two when they do bloom. Be sure to take a cutting before their petals are gone to enjoy in a vase while you can.

18. Oriental lilies

pink oriental lilies

Lilies may be connected to Easter and early spring, and you may even think of them as being pure white. But, the oriental lilies produce a gorgeous shade of pink. Lilies also require very little care, but you will need to plant the bulb in time for it to bloom in the spring. They enjoy well-drained, compost-rich soil. When in bloom, be sure to take some cuttings to enjoy cut flowers inside in a vase.

19. Japanese anemone

Japanese anemone flowers

Feel like you’re falling in love with this sweet flower that produces a lot of blooms in the early fall. Though these flowers that burst forth with stunning beauty come in a variety of colors, the pink Anemone is truly something to behold. Choose the pink option of this flower that blooms throughout the summer and into the fall.

The blooms rest atop a tall, long stem. Give this plant a slight bit of shade for the best results. They may take a couple of years to establish, but once they do, you will not be disappointed.

20. Anise hyssop

Anise hyssop

This densely compact plant is also called Agastache, which sounds like it’s going to don a mustache. But, rest assured the plant maintains its feminine appearance and is super easy to grow. Enjoy the tall, bright pink rounded clump spikes of its blooms that grow to about four feet high.

If the blooms are crushed, the aroma that a Hyssop plant will give off may remind you of the unique spice, anise. The flowers are hot pink with magenta-purple calyxes that start to pop out in mid-summer or earlier in warmer climates.

21. Antirrhinum


Enjoy this delicate tubular bloom bursting with delicate pink hues. This flower’s name even suggests the pink is the preferred color. It is also called “Pretty in Pink”. You may recognize it by the more common name, Perennial Snapdragon.

Add these blooms to rock gardens if you like. It is a hardy plant that lasts until the first frost of the year so long as you regularly remove dead blooms and give it soil that is well-drained. Enjoy these colorful blooms in late spring.

22. Creeping phlox or hybrid spring phlox

pink creeping phlox

The name says it all as it is a thick ground cover plant, but the pink blooms make it lovely to behold. It is among the most low maintenance flowering plants to grow. It grows just about anywhere and even helps to improve drainage.

Plant it on a hillside to reduce erosion while enjoying the benefits of the pink flowers that sprout forth.

The hybrid spring phlox explodes in the middle of spring with a star-shaped, notched flower. Some are even mildew and disease resistant. There is also a type of phlox that offers large panicles of beautiful hot coral pink flowers.

23. Hollyhocks

pink hollyhocks

Stunning pink blooms that grow fast is how Hollyhocks burst onto the garden scene. They reseed themselves every year. The only gardening maintenance they need is to give them a stake, so they don’t fall over. Otherwise, they are a plant-them-and-forget-them type of flower that offers a beautiful sea of pink color when in full bloom.

24. Red Fox

Veronica Spicata flowers

The official name of this plant is Veronica Spicata. Yes, the name implies that the flowers are red and not pink, but the shades of color actually produce various hues of pink ranging from very pale to rich, reddish magenta. These flowers grow in clumps and produce flower spires. Plant them toward the back of a flower bed to provide a nice border.

Grow this plant that resembles an African Violet inside or plant in an outdoor garden. Either way, it is easy to maintain and grow. The deep pink flowers, almost purple flowers are a rich shade of pink that bloom in a funnel shape alongside dark, green leaves. Sometimes the flowers are referred to as cupid’s bow and magic flower. Now, what could be more romantic than that? They bloom from summer and well into the fall.

WOW! That’s a lot of beautiful pink perennial flowers you can use in your garden. Which ones will you choose? I’d LOVE to hear from you if you use any of these beauties ?

Pink perennial flowers

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