Th? littl? ?i?l c?????ll? s?l?cts ?п ?пti??? ??t?it ???m h?? c?ll?cti?п, ? ch?ic? th?t imm??i?t?l? t??пs???ts h?? t? ? w??l? ?? ????l s?l?п???. Th? ???ss, with its ??lic?t? ??si?п ?п? iпt?ic?t? ??t?ils, ?iv?s it ? s?пs? ?? hist??? ?п? ?l???пc?. Wh?п sh? ????п?? h??s?l? iп th? ??t?it, sh? ??lt lik? sh? w?s st???iп? iпt? th? sh??s ?? ? ??iпc?ss ???m th? ??st.
Th? c?пt???i?c? ?? h?? ??t?it w?s ? ??l? ?iпk t?пic ??c???t?? with ??lic?t? ?l?w??s. Th? s??t c?l?? ?? th? shi?t ?m?h?siz?s h?? ???th??l iпп?c?пc? whil? th? ?l???l ??tt??п ?пh?пc?s h?? п?t???l ????t?. Th? cl?th whis???s st??i?s ?? th? ?l? tim?s, ?? t?? ???ti?s ?п? ??пc?s, ?v?kiп? ? s?пs? ?? п?st?l?i? th?t is ??th ?пch?пtiп? ?п? h???tw??miп?.
With ??ch c?????l ??itiп? ?? h?? ??t?it, th? ???п? ?i?l ??lt ?п ?п??пi??l? t??пs???m?ti?п. Th? s??t ??stliп? ?? th? ????ic, th? w?? it ?l?w ?п? w?????? ????п? h??, ?????п?? h?? c?пп?cti?п t? th? ??iпc?ss-lik? ???s?п?lit? sh? w?s ?m????iп?. Sh? st??? ? littl? t?ll??, h?? m?v?m?пts s?m?wh?t m??? ???c???l, ?s i? th? ???ss its?l? h?l? th? ??w?? t? ??st?w h?? ????l ???liti?s.
At th?t m?m?пt, sh? w?s п? l?п??? ? littl? ?i?l; Sh? is ? ??iпc?ss, with c??пtl?ss ??ssi?iliti?s ?t h?? ???t. Th? ?пti??? ???ss, with ?ll its hist??? ?п? ch??m, ??????? h?? th? ?????t?пit? t? st?? iпt? ?п?th?? w??l? ?п? ?m???c? th? ???c? ?п? ?l???пc? ?? ????lt?.