In a delightful new skill, she’s begun playfully blowing bubbles in the water, capturing the hearts of everyone watching.
Elephant calves, like this one, often take some time to master their trunks. Initially, their trunk movements are uncoordinated—they swing them around, sometimes even stepping on them. Much like human babies sucking their thumbs, young elephants often suck on their trunks.

Typically, they start using their trunks to eat and drink between six and eight months of age, making this calf’s progress quite impressive.
A video shared by the zoo highlights the calf’s development as she explores her newfound skill. With her mother, Semba, nearby, the playful young elephant eagerly uses her trunk to suck up water and blow bubbles into a tub, her ears flapping excitedly as she enjoys the activity.

The zoo’s website documents the calf’s growth and milestones, giving visitors and fans a closer look at her early adventures.
Though she hasn’t yet been named, her charm and precocious nature already make her a star.