An Austrian plumber recently made a surprising discovery while working on a house in Vienna.

Aп Aυstriaп plυmber receпtly made aп iпcredible discovery while workiпg oп a hoυse iп Vieппa. By pυlliпg oп a rope, he υпcovered a box coпtaiпiпg 30 kg…

The giant, lonely male elephant was seeking solace in the shade of a towering tree.

In the heart of  Tsavo East National Park’s  Tsavo Triangle, a compelling rescue mission unfolded on January 15, 2020, as the SWT/KWS Canine Unit sprang into action. Their keen eyes…

At Kaluku, the youngest orphan’s room has a dedicated Caretaker.

It struck me how the setting sun ushers in an entirely new scene — but one that is no less active, nor less interesting, than its daylight…

The harsh dry season has cast a challenging shadow over the Tsavo Sanctuary and its adorable elephants have begun their relentless journey in search of food and water.

The unforgiving dry season has cast a challenging shadow over the Tsavo Conservation Area, and its beloved elephants have embarked on a relentless quest for sustenance and…

Murera’s story is truly heart-warming, soul-touching: The endurance and new life of an orphaned elephant

Murera’s story is a genuinely heartwarming one that touches the soul. She is one of the many orphaned elephants under our care, and her journey is extraordinary….

The treasure is filled with gold and silver jewelry underground

“And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend. Legend became myth. And for two and a half thousand years, the ring…

The world of archeology changed forever when Howard Carter unearthed one of the most remarkable discoveries in history in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings

Discovery and Historical Context In 1922, the archaeological world was forever changed when Howard Carter unearthed one of history’s most remarkable discoveries in Egypt’s Valley of the…

A story of courage, perseverance and the relentless search for freedom, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds

In the heart of an unforgiving jungle, an extraordinary story of redemption unfolded, resonating with people worldwide. It’s a story of courage, persistence, and an unwavering quest…

The silent struggle: Cruel traps pose a danger to baby elephants

In the vast wilderness where wildlife thrives, a grim threat looms for young elephant calves – deadly snares. These cruel traps, initially set to catch animals for…

Nasalot’s journey to this point has been one of resilience and determination.

In a heartwarming turn of events, the Ithumba elephant family continues its baby parade with the long-awaited arrival of Nasalot’s second calf, Noah. This joyous occasion marks…