The baby elephant still slipped and fell while chasing the pheasant. Undeterred, it stood up and continued the chase.
Have you ever chased birds as a child, finding joy in the playful pursuit? It seems that humans aren’t the only species that love this pastime. A…

A strange Roman-era terracotta vase containing 22 oil lamps was unearthed in Switzerland
A team of archaeologists have discovered a peculiar Roman-era earthenware pot filled with 22 oil lamps, each containing a bronze coin, in Windisch, a municipality in the…

Deep beneath the surface of the North Atlantic, nearly two and a half miles, lie the remains of one of the most famous ships in history – the RMS Titanic
The Heart of a Legend Deep beneath the surface of the North Atlantic, nearly two and a half miles down, lie the remnants of one of history’s…

The integration of a baby elephant into a herd of wild elephants
A herd of wild elephaпts strolls throυgh a village iп Yυxi, Yυппaп proviпce, iп last Jυпe. [MENG ZHUBIN/FOR CHINA DAILY] The two baby elephaпts borп dυriпg a…

The emotional moment when the herd gathers at the orphanage without Phabeni
An unusual event took place as Tokwe, Lundi and some of the other elephants headed to the orphanage to find out where Phabeni was. Normally the herd walk…

A herd of baby elephants in South Africa has found that keeping up with the herd isn’t always easy, as they’ve gotten into a series of humorous struggles
A group of baby elephants in South Africa learned that keeping up with the herd isn’t always easy, as they were caught in a series of comical…

The birth of this baby elephant brings hope for the future of the species, especially in light of ongoing conservation efforts.
At just one week old and standing about three feet tall, a newborn Asian elephant has already started exploring her surroundings at Woburn Safari Park in Bedfordshire. Under the…

The strange story of a 500-year-old 10-ton gold treasure
Deciphering the 500-year-old code of a 10-ton gold hoard is an іпсгedіЬɩe story. For centuries, ɩeɡeпdѕ whispered of a hidden treasure, sparking the imaginations of countless treasure…

An important archaeological discovery was made during excavations at Aventicum, the ancient capital of Helveti: a remarkable gold painting by Emperor Marcus Aurelius.
In 1939, a significant archaeological discovery was made during excavations at Aventicum, the ancient capital of the Helvetii, now located in modern-day Switzerland. Aventicum, which became part…

Spectacular rescue: The baby elephant narrowly escaped death
Elephants are known for their teamwork skills, especially when a herd member is in danger. However, not every herd handles crises effectively. A recent incident involving a…