Orphaned calves: Paying the price for human-elephant conflict

Elephant calves are sometimes the casualties in the tussle for space between humans and elephants. While some orphaned calves are accepted back into their herds, many young…

The special moment when a herd of elephants stopped what they were doing to help a baby elephant who couldn’t climb the mountainside.

Share this incredible sighting with your friends:   Watch the special moment a herd of elephants stops what they are doing to help a calf that can’t…

The female elephant was helpless, lying down and unable to get up, with her tiny calf standing nearby, emphasizing the urgency of the situation

In a concerning incident near Mukwaju, beyond Satao, KWS security staff responded to a distress call involving an elephant cow in critical condition. The female elephant was…

Craftsmen discover hidden treasures of gold coins

Part of the treasure, just brought to light. Photo: Deloys. Not all treasures are buried in the earth, some of them are hidden in old buildings too!…

New treasure discovered from shipwreck that was said to have been scavenged

Explorers have uncovered a three-mile-long trail of debris from a sunken treasure ship full of “wonderful” and “culturally priceless” finds in the waters of the Bahamas. Experts…

The Bay of Bengal Islands are home to a truly extraordinary creature that has captured the hearts of those lucky enough to encounter it.

The Bay of Bengal Archipelago is home to a truly extraordinary creature that has captivated the hearts of those fortunate enough to cross its path. This remarkable…

The magic of a newborn elephant taking its first tentative steps before falling has been beautifully captured in the natural world.

The magic of a newborn elephant taking its initial, wobbly steps before a gentle tumble has been beautifully captured in the wild. When she witnessed this precious…

A recent incident involving a baby elephant falling into mud in a puddle in the Madikwe Wildlife Sanctuary, South Africa, demonstrated a somewhat disorganized rescue effort by the elephant herd.

Elephants are known for their teamwork skills, especially when a herd member is in danger. However, not every herd handles crises effectively. A recent incident involving a…

The adorable baby elephant was caught on camera happily splashing water in the tub, showing how much he enjoys getting wet.

While most animals detest bath time, one baby elephant at Elephant Nature Park in Mae Taeng District, Chiang Mai Province, Northern Thailand, proves to be the exception….

Archaeologists have unearthed a 1,250-year-old tomb containing the remains of a man covered in gold jewelry

Burial of Coclé chief, Natá District, Panama Photos by Julia Mayo, Courtesy of Fundación El Caño At El Caño Archaeological Park in central Panama, archaeologists have unearthed a…