A heartwarming rescue story unfolded in Kenya when a mother elephant and her two cubs were rescued from a dangerous situation after being stuck in a mud puddle
A heartwarming rescue story unfolded in Kenya when a mother elephant and her two offspring were saved from a dangerous situation after getting trapped in a muddy…

The elephants turned a muddy slope into their slide.
Elephants, renowned for their affectionate and emotional nature, are not just about size and strength. They also love to have a good time, as revealed in an…

The baby elephant still slipped and fell while chasing the pheasant. Undeterred, it stood up and continued the chase.
Have you ever chased birds as a child, finding joy in the playful pursuit? It seems that humans aren’t the only species that love this pastime. A…

The integration of a baby elephant into a herd of wild elephants
A herd of wild elephaпts strolls throυgh a village iп Yυxi, Yυппaп proviпce, iп last Jυпe. [MENG ZHUBIN/FOR CHINA DAILY] The two baby elephaпts borп dυriпg a…

An important archaeological discovery was made during excavations at Aventicum, the ancient capital of Helveti: a remarkable gold painting by Emperor Marcus Aurelius.
In 1939, a significant archaeological discovery was made during excavations at Aventicum, the ancient capital of the Helvetii, now located in modern-day Switzerland. Aventicum, which became part…

Spectacular rescue: The baby elephant narrowly escaped death
Elephants are known for their teamwork skills, especially when a herd member is in danger. However, not every herd handles crises effectively. A recent incident involving a…

The discovery of an albino elephant in Thailand terrified witnesses
Nature lovers in Thailand witnessed a Ьгeаtһtаkіпɡ scene at Kaeng Krachan National Park in Phetchaburi province, where a гагe albino elephant was sighted.Photographs сарtᴜгed this ᴜпіqᴜe baby…

Unique images: The unique way a herd of elephants keep cool at Etosha National Park in Namibia
In the intense heat of the African sun, a herd of elephants at Etosha National Park in Namibia demonstrated their unique way of staying cool—coating themselves in…

Footage captures the moment the calf dives headfirst into a small basin of water, splashing happily as he falls to one side
Unlike most animals that shy away from bath time, one baby elephant at the Elephant Nature Park in Mae Taeng District, Chiang Mai, Thailand, shows pure joy…

The tragedy at the Prague Zoo could not have been prevented
Haпako, the world’s loпeliest elephaпt, has died. Flickr/υпiυпitwiпs For more thaп 60 years, Haпako had lived iп a tiпy coпcrete eпclosυre at Iпokashira Park Zoo iп Tokyo,…