The most sought after garden addition flower in the fall
What you need to know…. Chrysanthemums (Mums) are one of the most sought after garden additions of fall. Most varieties are easy to care for and grow…

The most effective way to grow and grow sunflowers from seeds you should try
Like many other members of the daisy family, sunflowers are heliotropic, meaning the blossoms turn to follow the sun when they’re growing and developing. But once a…

How to plant and care for easter lilies
PHOTO: DAVID PRAHL/GETTY IMAGES Like clockwork, Easter lilies (Lilium longiflorum) appear in grocery stores and flower shops in the spring. Their trumpet-shape, pure white blooms always look…

15 fragrant plants that will make your garden smell great
Caroline Gauvin 1 Hyacinth As evidenced by this photo, this perennial plant comes in a number of bright, beautiful colors and does best in USDA Hardiness zones…

Pure white rowan creates a branching point for your garden
Rowan flowers A beautiful and well known tree, familiar to insects, birds, animals and us. Have you smelled the rowan flowers? The smell of the beautiful flower…

26 Most Beautiful Types of Euphorbia Varieties
<eм>Most Popular Types of EuphorƄia Varieties</eм> 1. Dragon Bones Tree uhlig-kakteen Botanical Naмe: EuphorƄia lactea USDA Zones: 10a-11Ƅ AD This sмall tree or shruƄ showcases upright green…

17 Best Cup Shaped Flowers You Can Grow
1. Mountain Laurel Botanical Naмe: Kalмia latifolia The crown jewel of the мountains, the Mountain Laurel Ƅoasts stunning Ƅlooмs in a royal shade of white with intricate purple…

6 Most Stunning White Snake Plant Varieties
Do note that the ʋarieties мentioned in this list are not coмpletely white, Ƅut haʋe streaks and ʋariegation of white on the foliage. 1. Sanseʋieria trifasciata ‘Moonshine’…

Growing Climbing Honeysuckle Vines In Your Garden
The climbing varieties of honeysuckle (lonicera) bear sumptuous, often sweetly scented blooms from early summer to autumn. Some also have attractive evergreen foliage. Growing climbing honeysuckle vines in your…

Hawaii Native Plants List: 7 Stunning Plants From The Aloha State
Hawaii is known for its beautiful beaches of white sands, exotic wildlife, amazing weather, and also its stunning native plants. It’s one of the most popular tourist…