Heartwarming photographs have captured the moment a herd of elephants worked together to rescue a calf that had fallen into a pool of water in South Africa’s Addo National Park.
The dramatic scene unfolded as the calf’s mother, with the help of other members of the herd, used their trunks to lift the little one out of danger.

Amateur photographer Adele van Schalkwyk, who witnessed and documented the event, described the elephants’ behavior as both compassionate and coordinated.
Van Schalkwyk, a technologist from Vredenburg, South Africa, took the photos in Addo National Park, which is home to approximately 600 elephants. She recounted, “I was amazed by the level of teamwork and empathy they showed.

From the moment they arrived at the dam, the herd protected the calf, and when it slipped into the water, they quickly acted together to pull it out.”
One particularly striking photo in the series, titled Together with Love, shows four elephants combining their efforts to rescue the calf.
Despite the herd’s attempts to keep the young elephant away from the water, the curious calf managed to fall in again, requiring yet another rescue.

Addo National Park, South Africa’s third-largest, was established in 1931 to protect its dwindling elephant population, which had been reduced to just 11 individuals at the time.
Reflecting on the experience, van Schalkwyk expressed her deep admiration for the animals, saying, “These photos show that elephants are not just creatures of profit but sentient beings with emotions and feelings. In a world facing so many challenges, there’s much we can learn from their behavior.”
Her photos serve as a poignant reminder of the bonds that unite these majestic animals and their ability to demonstrate care and teamwork in the face of challenges.