In a poignant and heart-wrenching moment captured in the Masai Mara, Kenya, a young elephant faced the tragic loss of her mother.
The calf stood vigil by her side, trying to wake her with gentle nudges from her trunk, even though she had passed away.

The entire herd gathered around to pay their respects, making it an emotionally charged event.
The cause of the mother’s death remains unknown, but it is suspected that lions may have attacked her before the herd found her.

Wildlife photographer Sarah Skinner documented this touching farewell. She expressed her sadness over the loss of this magnificent creature and described how it left her with a lump in her throat.
The elephants’ behavior during this challenging time left everyone deeply moved.
As the rest of the herd began to move on, one baby elephant refused to leave her mother’s side, extending the final moments with her.

The scene was filled with profound emotions as the young elephant tenderly touched her mother with its trunk.
The loss had deeply impacted the calf, and other elephants in the group shared in the mourning.
Some gently prodded the deceased mother with their trunks, while others silently grieved. It was a moment that touched the hearts of all who witnessed it.

The baby elephant’s heartbreak intensified as it was compelled to part from her mother following the attack. The herd encircled their fallen leader, expressing their sorrowful curiosity with gentle prods.
Eventually, the group moved on, leaving the baby elephant alone with her grieving mother. The calf remained by her mother’s side throughout the day, affectionately nudging her trunk.
Even in the face of danger posed by lions and hyenas, the young elephant stood guard over her mother’s lifeless body throughout the night.

This profoundly emotional scene had a lasting impact on Sarah from Berkshire.