In the middle of a dry land, a young calf gets lost from his family and begins an arduous journey filled with adversity and hope.

In the expansive wilderness, a poignant story unfolds, highlighting the resilience and compassion that define the human-animal bond.

Amidst the arid expanse, a young calf, separated from its family, embarks on a harrowing journey fraught with adversity and hope.

In Loving Memory of Pocha - Global Sanctuary for Elephants

Immobilization, Examination, and Tender Care

Spotted by vigilant KWS rangers, the calf’s solitary plight tugged at the heartstrings of all who bore witness.

Lying alone in a desolate riverbed, the calf’s frail form bore the weight of dehydration, injury, and shock.

Lady Visits Pocha and Guillermina a Third Time

With gentle hands and unwavering determination, the calf was cradled into the vet vehicle and whisked away to the sanctuary of Voi stockade.

A penetrating injury, likely inflicted by a bullet, marred the calf’s left knee, shrouded in swelling and seeping pus.

With meticulous precision, necrotic tissues were excised, wounds irrigated with saline and antiseptics and tenderly cloaked in a tincture of iodine and healing green clay.

August 2022 - Global Sanctuary for Elephants

An infusion of 40 cc 50% Dextrose-infused vitality, accompanied by intramuscular injections of 20 cc Dexamethasone and 40 cc Long-acting Amoxicillin, nurturing the calf’s fragile spirit.

A Glimmer of Hope Dimmed

Transported to the safety of Voi stockade, the calf’s valiant struggle against adversity captured the collective hearts of all who bore witness.

Yet, despite the tender ministrations and unwavering care, fate cast a shadow of sorrow.

September 2022 - Global Sanctuary for Elephants

Two days hence, the calf, beset by the relentless grip of fate, succumbed to the trials of its journey, leaving behind a legacy of resilience and courage.

Prognosis: A Legacy of Resilience

Though the journey’s end heralded a heart-wrenching loss, the calf’s courageous spirit and indomitable courage endure as a testament to the fragile balance between life and loss in the wilderness.

In the tapestry of nature’s intricate weave, each life, however brief, leaves an indelible mark upon the hearts of all who bear witness.

Lady Visits Pocha and Guillermina a Third Time

As we mourn the loss of a precious soul, let us cherish the memories of its brave struggle and honor its legacy with a steadfast commitment to safeguarding the treasures of our natural world.

In the gentle rustle of the savannah breeze, may the spirit of the young calf find solace, forever remembered in the annals of time.


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