Mae Mai, also known as PanPond, has become a symbol of resilience and hope after surviving a heartbreaking ordeal.
Once overworked and forced to endure harsh conditions despite multiple injuries, Mae Mai’s journey to recovery highlights the unwavering efforts of animal welfare advocates and the power of collective kindness.

When Mae Mai was first rescued, she bore visible signs of years of neglect and suffering. Her legs were shackled despite severe injuries, her body covered in inflamed wounds, and her frail frame told a story of overwork and inadequate care. The Save Elephant Foundation (SEF) stepped in, determined to change her fate.

Transporting Mae Mai to safety was no easy task. A dislocated knee made it impossible for her to walk up the mountain or climb onto a truck. The rescuers ingeniously floated her to the SEF elephant clinic, where her road to recovery began. There, a dedicated veterinary team provided round-the-clock care, addressing her injuries and nourishing her back to health. For six months, Mae Mai remained under strict medical supervision, limiting her movement until the inflammation subsided.

A significant milestone in her journey came through the Gentle Giant Stay Home Project, where elephant lovers from around the world rallied together to support Mae Mai. Thanks to their generosity, she received a prosthetic leg crafted by Derrick Campana, a renowned prosthetics expert. The custom attachment restored her ability to walk confidently, transforming her life.

Mae Mai’s story would not have been possible without the compassion of Khun Tor Supida and her family, whose support played a vital role in her rescue. Today, Mae Mai stands as a testament to the resilience of animals and the profound impact of human kindness. She walks steadily and lives a happier, healthier life, surrounded by love and care.

This inspiring journey reminds us of the importance of advocating for animal welfare and the incredible results that can be achieved when people come together to make a difference. Mae Mai’s recovery is a success story and a call to action for all to continue supporting efforts that bring hope and healing to animals in need.
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