Meet Bani, a baby elephant whose life took a dramatic turn at just 9 months old when she was struck by a train, leaving her injured and paralysed. But thanks to the timely intervention of the Uttarakhand Forest Department, Bani was given a second chance at life. Recently, Wildlife SOS shared a heartwarming video capturing Bani’s joyful playfulness, and it quite literally is the cutest sight on the Internet.
Day in the life of baby elephant Bani
Wildlife SOS shared a heartwarming video on X about Bani, seen enjoying a special treat to beat the summer heat at the Elephant Hospital Campus in Mathura. Her caregivers created a mud pool filled with fresh, cool water, giving Bani a refreshing respite from the scorching temperatures.
Baby elephant Bani/ Wildlife SOS
The caption states, “This pool provides Bani with a refreshing respite from the heat and doubles as a fun enrichment, allowing her to roll around in the water and use her trunk to squirt water on herself and those nearby. Additionally, the muddy bath forms a protective layer on her skin, shielding her from the sun’s rays, helping to cool her body temperature, and protecting her from insect bites.”
In the video, Bani is seen having a blast, rolling around in the mud pool and splashing water everywhere.
Another video from March shows Bani enjoying her daily activities, from mealtimes to bath-times to nap times.
Wildlife SOS captioned it with, “With just a flick of her trunk, she melts everyone’s hearts. Her expressive antics communicate a special language that our team understands fluently. Bani knows her adorable tantrums will always be met with love and attention. It’s a bond that’s as sweet as can be!”
According to Wildlife SOS’s blog, Bani was a victim of a train collision in Uttarakhand and was left injured and paralysed. The Uttarakhand Forest Department provided initial aid before Wildlife SOS intervened, helping Bani on her journey to recovery.
Baby elephant Bani/ Wildlife SOS
How did people react?
In the comments, people expressed their gratitude towards the Forest Department and Wildlife SOS.
One person wrote, “I’m so very happy to see Bani standing, even though it’s with the support straps, I’m praying she will be able to do it for herself and walk eventually!!! Thank you SOS and all who donated to make this very special Rescue happen.”
Another commented, “Poor sweet baby. She breaks my heart, knowing she’s lost her family and has been so badly injured by those stupid trains. I just want her to get better and to be able to be with elephants, but I’m so happy that she is in the care of wildlife SOS.”