The journey of caring for a baby elephant begins long before they take their first steps on this planet
As we commemorate World Elephant Day, it’s time for us to champion the cause of preserving these magnificent creatures in our ever-evolving world. We are responsible for…

An untimely bout of digestive pain interrupted his attempts at lovemaking, causing him to stagger backwards, losing interest.
A star-crossed elephant in a South African game reserve recently turned heads when his attempt at romance ended in a ridiculous debacle. A badly-timed digestive upset disrupted…

So adorable! The new male calf was born yesterday afternoon and can already stand up and walk normally.
Taronga Western Plains Zoo recently celebrated a significant milestone – the birth of a healthy male Asian elephant calf. Born just yesterday, the baby has already showcased his…

Prince Harry will lead the way, continuing his passionate campaign to protect Africa’s most iconic animals from extinction.
This week, an unforgettable sight awaits Prince Harry in Africa: a young, sedated elephant cautiously loaded onto a truck. This forms part of a bold wildlife conservation…

A woman who spent years searching for an eccentric millionaire’s buried treasure became “devastated” after it was found by another hunter – just 20 feet from where she was searching.
In 2010, eccentric millionaire Forrest Fenn launched a treasure hunt when he announced that he had hidden a chest worth an estimated $1 million in the Rocky…

A metal detectorist in West Norfolk, England, has unearthed the largest trove of Anglo-Saxon treasure ever discovered
A пυmber of gold coiпs aпd objects from the Norfolk hoard (Image credit: British Mυseυm) A metal detectorist iп West Norfolk, Eпglaпd, has υпearthed the largest Aпglo-Saxoп treasυre…

In a heartwarming development, the Ithumba elephant family continues its baby shower with the long-awaited birth of Nasalot’s second baby elephant, Noah
In a heartwarming turn of events, the Ithumba elephant family continues its baby parade with the long-awaited arrival of Nasalot’s second calf, Noah. This joyous occasion marks…

These cruel traps, originally set to capture animals for food, pose an indiscriminate danger to all creatures, especially vulnerable baby elephants.
In the vast wilderness where wildlife thrives, a grim threat looms for young elephant calves – deadly snares. These cruel traps, initially set to catch animals for…

A painful cry for help came to us when we learned about a mother elephant in dire condition on the Chyulu hills
In May 2021, a heart-wrenching call for help reached us as we learned about a mother elephant in dire straits on Chyulu Hills. Her right hind leg…

There are few words that can express the profound loss that has left us grappling with the unexpected void created by her absence.
In a heart-wrenching turn of events, we are saddened to announce the passing of Maisha on the afternoon of June 26th. Her sudden departure has left us…