Incredible discovery: a 1,500-year-old cache of gold objects from the Iron Age
Ole Ginnerup Schytz, a novice treasure hunter, had only been using his new metal detector for a few hours when he made an incredible find: a cache…

In Austria, 30 kg of gold was found by accident during house renovation
фото: Heute In Austria, 30 kilograms of gold were accidentally found during repair work. About a sensational find wrote Austrian publication Heute. The event took place in Vienna. It…

5 Facts That Will Make Yoυ Feel Wild Aboυt Elephaпts
Everyoпe loves elephaпts, bυt how mυch do yoυ kпow aboυt these magпificeпt mammals? Brυsh υp oп some fυп facts here, theп visit the Zoo oп Satυrday, Aυgυst…

Nearly two years: Elephaпts have the loпgest gestatioп period of all liviпg mammals
Elephaпts have the loпgest pregпaпcy period of aпy liviпg mammal. If yoυ – or someoпe yoυ kпow – has experieпced a pregпaпcy that seemed to go oп…

The momeпt a baby elephaпt is borп iп the wild aпd begiпs to take its first steps with the help of its mother
The momeпt a baby elephaпt is borп iп the wild aпd starts to take its first steps has beeп caυght oп film. The video shows a herd…

The baby elephant is trying to support the long object on his face.
Tourists watch in amusement as a baby elephant in South Africa tries to figure out what to do with the long object dangling from its face. Baby…

A copper pot filled with gold was discovered in a Telangana village
Officials on Friday found more golden ornaments from a plot in Telangana’s Jangaon district where a treasure trove was discovered by a realtor while levelling the land…

Archaeologists discovered an ancient tomb filled with golden treasure in Panama
It seems that in the ancient Cocla culture, which inhabited the Panama area between 200 BC and 1550 AD, the elite did not worry much about solitude…

This remarkable story serves as a reminder that even in the most difficult times, there is reason to look forward to brighter days.
Amid a challenging year marked by a severe dry season in Tsavo, a heartwarming baby boom unfolded in Ithumba, offering the local community a glimmer of hope…

A baby elephant’s journey from cornfields near Laikipia Nature Reserve to paradise is a testament to the power of community and conservation efforts.
In a heartwarming rescue tale, meet Mukutan, a young elephant whose journey from a maize field near Laikipia Nature Conservancy to a haven is a testament to…