Friesian horse breed with characteristic glossy black coat makes people think of brave knights.

2. Akhal-Teke horse belongs to the purest horse breed in the world. It possesses extremely fast galloping speed and has remarkable toughness.

3. The Percheron is a draft horse originating from western France, famous for its intelligence and willingness to work.

4. Trakehner horse originates from Germany, which is a high-quality sport horse, which has woп many awards in international horse riding сomрetіtіoпѕ.

5. Haflinger horses live mainly in Austria and northern Italy, this is a beautiful horse, elegant and quite calm.

6. Rocky Mountain horse breed usually resides in Kentucky, USA. This horse is famous for its ivory-white mane and tail in contrast to its glossy black coat.

7. Orlov Trotter horse breed from Russia with oᴜtѕtапdіпɡ gray-spotted hair like a charming princess.

8. The Shire is a draft horse that can pull large amounts of weight.

9. Gypsy horse , also known as Gypsy horse, is a small breed of horse with lots of hair on its legs. They are also known for their black and white spots on their bodies.

10. Horse Knabstrupper is a horse breed from Denmark with a ᴜпіqᴜe coat like a dalmatian.