Reptiles, including crocodiles, turtles, and snakes, exist in various shapes, sizes, and social structures, and can be found in warm, tropical, temperate climates, and subtropical areas around the world. Crocodilians, one of the most recognizable reptiles, are found in Africa, Southeast Asia, Northern Australia, Mesoamerica, China, and the United States, and are primarily semi-aquatic reptiles that can be found in lowland freshwater bodies, brackish water, and hyper-saline lakes.

Reptiles are one of the earliest groups of animals on land, predating dinosaurs, birds, and mammals.Crocodilians are a wide group of carnivorous aquatic reptiles that evolved 200 million years ago, and have bodies uniquely adapted to their lifestyles.

Crocodilians can be divided into three groups: crocodiles, alligators and caimans, and gharial, with different snout shapes and teeth adapted to their diets.Crocodilians are cold-blooded and rely on alternating between basking in sunlight and wallowing in mud to regulate their body temperatures.

They are highly territorial, hunting by remaining submerged, and communicating through an extensive range of vocalizations and body language.Crocodilians mate during mating season, which typically occurs once a year during late spring, with mating occurring in the water.

Once a female crocodilian lays between 10 to 50 eggs and covers them in soil for incubation, the eggs don’t require parental care to hatch, and hatchlings are self-sufficient.