Reteti Elephant Orphanage is a special place. We love to take clients there to visit with the baby elephants and see the fantastic work being done in wildlife rehabilitation.
Reteti not only gives orphaned elephants a second chance at life by providing food, shelter and medical attention, but it also gives them the very important experience of being loved and cared for by a keeper who acts as their surrogate mother.
An elephant keeper basically takes on the role of surrogate mother to a calf.
Another of the things making Reteti so special is that the sanctuary is owned and run by the local Samburu community. It’s Samburu men and women who staff the sanctuary, which is a critical part of why the sanctuary is proving such a great success!

Elephant calves playing and bonding at Reteti Elephant Sanctuary
Where is Reteti Elephant Sanctuary?
Reteti Elephant Sanctuary can be found in the mountainous central-northern region of Kenya. This part of the country is remote and sparsely populated, and very picturesque.
More specifically, Reteti is located within Namunyak Conservancy at the foot of the Matthews Range, which is part of the Eastern Great Rift Valley.

The elephants are looked after 24-7 by their keepers
Elephant calves are naturally the star attraction at Reteti. And who doesn’t love baby elephants?? But there’s also far more going on at the sanctuary, and it’s all of these things together that make Reteti so special …