Children, by instinct, absorb their surroundings and mimic what they see. This behavior is not limited to humans alone; animals, too, follow a similar learning pattern.
The adorable story of Haven, a baby elephant, is a perfect testament to this, as he’s won many hearts by replicating his mother’s every move.
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This tiny elephant and his mother, Somboon, have quickly become visitor favorites, and their story has a touching backdrop. Somboon was once a captive elephant, used for carrying tourists even while pregnant.
Thanks to the efforts of Samui Elephant Haven, Somboon was rescued and given a safe place to bring her calf into the world.
Haven’s determination to mirror his mother has captivated everyone at the sanctuary. Every move Somboon makes, from dusting her back to foraging for food, is meticulously imitated by Haven.

Despite his frequent clumsiness and apparent nuisance, Somboon demonstrates remarkable patience with her inquisitive calf.
Interestingly, young elephants can fully control their trunks at one year old. This makes Haven’s earnest attempts to use his unwieldy appendage even more endearing.
While his trunk often gets in the way, he’s seen cleverly pushing food into his mouth with his foot instead.

However, this is all part of Haven’s learning journey. As he mimics Somboon, he’s also preparing for the day he can fully control his trunk. Meanwhile, his adorable efforts provide great amusement and warmth for all who witness them.
Haven’s growth is monitored closely, and he’s gradually being introduced to the rest of the elephant herd at the sanctuary. In this protective environment, he’s forging bonds with others, especially Sudarat, the herd’s resident matriarch, and nanny.

This crucial socialization process ensures Haven’s survival. It allows him to learn more about his kind in the safety of the sanctuary.
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