Black-spotted snakes follow the scent of red-bellied black snakes and eat equally poisonous enemies after a decisive battle by the river in Australia. The death battle between the red-bellied black snake and the deadly black-spotted snake The black-spotted snake tracks the smell of the red-bellied black snake and eats the predator equally poisonous after the decisive battle on the river in Australia.

Jenny Hillman encountered a red-bellied black snake fighting with a blue-bellied black snake, also known as a spotted black snake while walking near her home in Ballandean town, Queensland, Australia, ABC News reported yesterday.

Hillman immediately took out his phone to record the fight between two venomous snakes belonging to the Tiger family and shared it on Facebook.The black-spotted snake presses down on the red-bellied black snake while the enemy struggles to find a way to retreat. The red-bellied black snake relentlessly attacks the black-spotted snake and bites its fangs into the opponent’s body.

However, all attempts of the venomous snake to escape failed, it couldn’t escape the black spot snake’s pincer-like jaws. According to Bryan Fry, an associate professor in the University of Queensland’s School of Biology, the sight of a black-spotted snake eating another snake is not uncommon.

“Eating another snake is the easiest thing to do. It’s a convenient meal that fits and stretches as much as their belly. This bait is much easier to eat than a bulky dish like a mouse,” Fry said. know.Fry speculates that the black-spotted snake can track the scent of the red-bellied black snake and find its prey.

Although red-bellied black snakes also eat other snakes, they usually eat frogs more often. Snakes kill their fellow humans with venom. Their venom destroys the muscles, leaving the victim quickly paralyzed. Dry weather can lead to snakes being herded into ever-shrinking territory. Both the black-spotted snake and the red-bellied black snake live in moist areas and near water sources.