Treasure chest worth millions of dollars in the Rocky Mountains revealed

A grandson of Forrest Fenn has confirmed that a medical school student from Michigan found a $US1 million ($A1.3 million) treasure chest that the retired art and antiquities dealer stashed in the wilds of Wyoming over a decade ago.

Jonathan “Jack” Stuef, 32, found the treasure in June, Mr Fenn’s grandson Shiloh Forrest Old posted on a website dedicated to the treasure.

“We wish Jack the best of luck, and we hope that the searching community will treat him with the respect that he deserves,” Mr Old wrote.

Forrest Fenn sits in his home in Santa Fe. A grandson of Forrest Fenn has confirmed the identity of a medical school student from Michigan reported to have found the treasure chest that the retired art and antiquities dealer stashed in the wilds of Wyoming over a decade ago. (AP)

Mr Fenn, who was also a US Air Force fighter pilot during the Vietnam War, left clues to finding the treasure in a poem in a memoir entitled “The Thrill of the Chase.”

Mr Fenn at the time said he hid the chest filled with coins, gold nuggets and other valuables estimated in value at $US1 million ($A1.3 million)to $US3 million ($A4 million) in the Rocky Mountains north of Santa Fe in either Colorado, Montana, New Mexico or Wyoming.

Treasure hidden by art collector Forrest Fenn has finally been found by an anonymous searcher. (Forrest Fenn/Dal Neitzel)

The poem inspired many to go treasure hunting — sometimes getting into precarious situations in the unforgiving Rocky Mountain backcountry.

Many others needed rescue, including a man who rappelled into the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone in winter.

The treasure was worth millions of dollars. (Forrest Fenn/Dal Neitzel)

Mr Fenn announced on June 6 that the treasure had been found but did not say who found it or where.

He said in July the treasure was found in Wyoming and died in September at age 90 without identifying the finder.

Mr Stuef, meanwhile, initially remained anonymous in a Medium article published in September in which he described finding the treasure but not specifically how or where.

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Forrest Fenn points at a map alluding to the location of his hidden treasure chest. (Supplied)

The article on Monday identified Mr Stuef as the author.

A court order in a federal lawsuit against the Fenn estate prompted Mr Stuef to identify himself to writer Daniel Barbarisi, who’d been in touch with Mr Stuef for a book he has been working on.

Mr Barbarisi identified Mr Stuef in an article published on Monday in Outside Magazine and wrote that Mr Stuef became obsessed with the treasure after learning about its existence in 2018.

Mr Fenn posted photos to a fan blog showing him sorting through the found valuables. (Forrest Fenn/Dal Neitzel)

“I think I got a little embarrassed by how obsessed I was with it,” Mr Stuef said, according to Mr Barbarisi’s book.

“If I didn’t find it, I would look kind of like an idiot. And maybe I didn’t want to admit to myself what a hold it had on me.”

Mr Fenn’s grandson, Mr Old, also cited the lawsuit as a reason for confirming Mr Stuef’s identity.

In the lawsuit, a woman who believed the treasure was hidden in New Mexico claims the finder succeeded by hacking her texts and emails, Mr Barbarisi wrote.

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Each year hundreds of people venture into the Rocky Mountain in search of Forrest’s treasure. (Supplied)

Mr Stuef denied the allegations, saying he never met nor heard of the woman before the lawsuit and the treasure was nowhere near New Mexico, Mr Barbarisi wrote.


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