The Koi carp and the tiger are two of the animals that are considered Japanese mascots. The Koi carp is considered a symbol of luck, success and perseverance. In Japanese culture, koi carp are often brought into fish ponds and kept as pets, showing loyalty and courage.


Meanwhile, the tiger is seen as a symbol of strength and аᴜtһoгіtу. Tiger images are often used in many works of art and architecture, from lacquer paintings to castles and temples. In Japan, the tiger is also used as a symbol of sports teams, showing resilience and determination.


The use of Koi carp and tiger images in Japanese art and culture not only shows respect and respect for the spiritual values they represent, but also brings eсoпomіс value to the community. country. Lacquer paintings and other cultural products created with images of Koi carp and tigers have become a thriving industry in Japan.

