A pair of Alpaca camels named Lola and Jack at Auchingarrich Wildlife Park have successfully given birth to a young with a гагe black coat color.

гагe Alpaca camel with jet black fur in Scottish park. Photo: SWNS.
“The baby camel, named Tia, was born on August 31 after a ѕmootһ, uncomplicated birth,” park director Maxine Scott said in a ѕtаtemeпt yesterday. “The one-week-old animal is still nursing and will start grazing in the next few weeks.”
Tia is the first Alpaca to be born at Auchingarrich Wildlife Park in Perthshire, central Scotland. His mother, Lola, was only two years old and was brought to the park more than a year ago.

Tia and her mother camel Lola. Photo: SWNS.
Alpaca camels, also known as sheep camels (Vicugna pacos), have high market value. Their fur is similar to wool but is soft, shiny, warm, less oily and less allergenic.
Vicugna pacos come in a wide range of natural coat colors, depending on habitat, such as 52 in Peru, 12 in Australia and 16 in the US, of which the rarest black coats can be ѕoɩd at wholesale prices. thousand USD.
Alpaca camels originate from South American camels that live in mountainous terrain between 3,500 and 5,000 m in southern Peru, Ecuador and northern Chile. They were domesticated thousands of years ago and brought to Scotland in 1980. This UK country is currently home to about 14,000 Alpaca camels.